EHS Politikası
GMORS Çevre, Güvenlik & Sağlık (EHS) Politikası

GMORS conta ve ilgili malzemeler konusunda ar-ge, üretim ve satış yapmaktadır. Dünya için sağlıklı ve kaliteli ürünü üretmek efor vermektedir. Maaliyet, katile ve servis prensipleri ile müşterilerimizi hizmet vermektedir. Ayrıca işçilerimizin iş sağlığı ve iş güvenliği konusunda da uluslararası standartına uyumludur.

  • İş sağlığı kuralına uyması: Ülke ve uluslararası iş sağlığı ile ilgili tüm kuralına uymaktadır.
  • Daha az enerji tüketip çevre dostu olmaktadır. Bütün kaynakları iyice değerlendirmektedir.
  • Sıfır tehlike hedefi: Ortam ve işletme sistemi hedefimiz üretimde sıfır tehlike ve sıfır afet için düzenlenmekte.
  • İş sağlığı eğitimi (ESH): Çalışanı tehlike farkındalığı, risk kontrolü, sağlık yönetimi, kirlilik önleme ve acil müdahale yeteneklerini geliştirmek için eğitim verilmekte.
  • GMORS çalışanlar, müşteriler, tedarikçiler ve sözleşme sağlayıcıları ile ESH ile ilgili iletişim kurup ortam ve çevre için efor verilmekte.

Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk

Kesintisiz iyileştirme ve ilerleme ruhuyla, çocuklar, gençler, yaşlılar ve fiziksel ya da zihinsel engelli bireyler gibi ekonomik veya sosyal açıdan yoksun grupları sosyal yardımlarla desteklemek için 2014 yılında GMORS Charity and Education Public Trust birliğini kurduk. Ayrıca, toplumsal uyumu korumak ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı sağlamak amacı ile kurulmuş olan kadın hakları ve yararlarına, sosyal yardım sağlamaya ve sosyal çalışmayı desteklemek için kurulmuş olan derneklere gönüllüleri, sosyal örgütleri, toplumsal kalkınmayı, eğitimi ve akademik çalışmaları teşvik etmeye yönelik olarak kurulmuş birçok kuruluşu desteklemeye devam etmektedir.

Bu birlik ve kuruluşlar tarafından desteklenen toplumsal yardım projeleri aşağıdakiler gibidir:

  • Yaşlı, engelli, kronik hastalıklı kişiler ve aileleri veya sağlık masrafları.
  • Yoksun aileler, tek ebeveynli aileler, çocuklar, gençler ve kadınlara yönelik sosyal hizmet.
  • Mülteciler ve gereksinimi olanlar ve aileleri.
  • Sosyal yardıma veya kadın haklarının, tek ebeveynli ailelerin, engelli kişilerin, çocukların ve gençlerin durumuna yönelik destek için katkılar ya da sponsorluklar.
  • Sosyal çalışmaya, gönüllü hizmetlere, sosyal gruplara ve toplumsal kalkınmaya yönelik bağışlar veya sponsorluklar.
  • Devlet Okulları ve Özel Okullar Mükemmel Öğrenci Ödülü yardımları.
  • Kaliteli eğitim ve akademik gelişim için devlet okullarına ve özel okullara veya akademik kurumlara yönelik destekler.

Social Charity

TWD 42.47 million

welfare funds for low-income households, respect for the elderly on Double Ninth Festival, support for vulnerable groups.

Education and Academics

TWD 17.42 million

scholarships, funding for educational activities.

Annual public welfare projects


  • Donating twenty-one 86-inch interactive screens for smart classrooms at Lukang Elementary School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in taekwondo at Fu Xing Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting Guan Yu Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County to promote the "Night Glow Angel Project".
  • Supporting the after-school care program at SinJuang Elementary School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting the sports day at Wen Chang Elementary School in Fu Xing Township.
  • Supporting the art class graduation exhibition at Lukang Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township and Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 5 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 21 schools to support students in need.


  • Establishing a community care center in Dingnian, Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in taekwondo at Fu Xing Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting Guan Yu Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County to promote the "Night Glow Angel Project".
  • Supporting the art class graduation exhibition at Lukang Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Donating funds to support the "Blessed Lunch" program at Lukang High School in Changhua County.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 9 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 17 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating one baby stroller to Fu Xing Township Public Kindergarten in Changhua County.
  • Donating two rehabilitation buses to Changhua County.
  • Sponsoring a public charity road race event.
  • Donating funds to support the “Blessed Lunch” program at Lukang High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in athletics at Lukang Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in taekwondo at Fu Xing Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 7 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 17 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating a ONE-SEVEN small chemical water tank truck to Lukang Fire Bureau in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in taekwondo at Fu Xing Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Lu Dong Elementary School in Lukang Township, Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in baseball at Qianqiu Elementary School in Nantou County.
  • Donating Mid-Autumn Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 9 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 16 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating one dragon boat to the “Lukang International Dragon Boat Championship.”
  • Sponsoring the reading program for teachers and students at Fu Xing Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Donating funds for the blood donation event in Changhua County for the year 2020.
  • Supporting talent development in athletics at Lukang Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in sports class at Lu Ming Junior High School in Changhua County.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township, Changhua County.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 8 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 25 schools to support students in need.


  • Supporting talent development in athletics at Lukang Junior High School.
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School.
  • Supporting the participation of the dragon boat team from Fu Xing Junior High School in the "Kaohsiung International Dragon Boat Championship.
  • Supporting the participation of the soccer team from Da Xing Elementary School in the "Shizuoka Prefecture Soccer Championship" in Japan.
  • Supporting the participation of the soccer team from Wu Quan Junior High School in Taichung City in the "Italy International Championship."
  • Supporting the participation of Lukang High School in the "FLL(FIRST LEGO League) Australia World Robotics Championship."
  • Supporting the participation of the taekwondo team from Fu Xing Junior High School in the "Hualien Pacific Cup Taekwondo Championship."
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Tomb Sweeping Day, Double Ninth Festival care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 8 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 20 schools to support students in need.


  • Supporting talent development in soccer and table tennis at Guan Yu Elementary School in Fu Xing Township.
  • Supporting talent development in athletics at Lukang Junior High School.
  • Supporting the taekwondo team from Fu Xing Junior High School to participate in the "National Secondary School Championship."
  • Supporting talent development in soccer at Da Xing Elementary School in Fu Xing Township.
  • Supporting the soccer team from Wu Quan Junior High School in Taichung City to participate in international championships.
  • Donating Dragon Boat Festival care fund to Lukang Township Office and Tomb Sweeping Day care fund to Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 11 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 5 schools to support students in need.


  • Supporting Fu Xing Junior High School's taekwondo team in the "National Secondary School Championship."
  • Supporting talent development in athletics at Lukang Junior High School.
  • Supporting soccer talent development at Da Xing Elementary School.
  • Supporting Fu Xing Junior High School's dragon boat team in the "Kaohsiung International Dragon Boat Championship."
  • Donating Tomb Sweeping Day care fund to Lukang Township Office and Fu Xing Township Office.
  • Donating charitable funds to 9 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 6 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating charitable funds to 8 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 7 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating charitable funds to 5 social welfare organizations.
  • Providing scholarships to 7 schools to support students in need.


  • Donating charitable funds to 5 social welfare organizations.